The Think Tank

A.R.E. You There?

When I heard Dr. Curt Thompson say, “We are born looking for someone looking for us”, that blew my mind. The need to attach to a loving other begins the...Read more

Jocko, Jordan and Jim. Human Formation.

A few influential leaders are cornering the market on male formation in the United States (and Canada). Their teachings are solid, their approach magnetic and they aren't Catholic. This latter...Read more

The Power of Forgiveness

"And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us:" (Matthew 6:12) Every Christian knows that he is supposed to forgive his neighbor, and growing up I...Read more

Removing the Mask

How to Overcome Apparent Competence

A little over a year ago my husband called while I was at work. He called to let me know his grandma had passed away and that the funeral would...Read more

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Open to Life: Hope in Every Season

As we cycle, again, through the Church season of Lent and now enjoy 50 days of Easter celebration, I reflect on the ways that God is always offering...Read more

What's Behind that 'Look'?

Despite having been married for almost 8 years now and 7 kids later, my wife and I still give each other 'looks' that can be deceiving or misconstrued....Read more

Understanding Hidden Trauma

I write this column to reflect on my experience of clients who don't have a clear cut trauma, who wonder where their symptoms and pain come from and...Read more

Emotional Strength and Parenting.

My little girl is afraid of the dark. She won't go down the hallway in the evening, she wakes up once a night to get a back rub...Read more

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