The Think Tank

Hope, Anger and Courage

The Power of Hope

Hope has two beautiful daughters. Their names are anger and courage; anger at the way things are, and courage to see that...Read more

It's Not What You Think: Vision, Mission, and Purpose for Family - Part II

In my previous article, “ It’s Not What You Think: The Nuclear Family - Part I ,” I laid out a bold vision and discussion to highlight the model of...Read more

A.R.E. You There?

When I heard Dr. Curt Thompson say, “We are born looking for someone looking for us”, that blew my mind. The need to attach to a loving other begins the...Read more

Jocko, Jordan and Jim. Human Formation.

A few influential leaders are cornering the market on male formation in the United States (and Canada). Their teachings are solid, their approach magnetic and they aren't Catholic. This latter...Read more

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Taking Action and Being the Change You Need

“It’s all in God’s hands". That’s what my husband and I told ourselves as we struggled with infertility. At the time, we had been together 10 years, married...Read more

The Connection Equation

As a therapist, but also as a husband and father, I continue to be fascinated by how our neurobiology points to that fact that we are created for...Read more

Inside Jokes

My brother calls me Michelle (he pronounces it Mee-chelle). We once knew someone named Mike Limbskull (not a real person). He says the word 'snuffles' and I know...Read more

Biological Rudeness

Have you ever had a conversation with a friend and you overreact to something they say and you’re not sure why? Or have you been in the middle...Read more

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