My House Group

'As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord.'

In collaboration with the Diocese of Kansas City St Joseph, The Center for Healing runs a weekly, virtual My House Group to support men struggling with unwanted sexual behavior/sexual addiction.  If you would like to plug into this resource, please fill out the form below.

If you already have access to the group, the links are below.

Fill out the form below to request access to a group. Cody Hummer with CFH will be in touch within a business day.

For Confidential Help Call:

Safer Families, Happier Marriages, Freedom, and Healing

My House is a diocesan initiative to foster the virtue of chastity and increase awareness of the effects of pornography on society.  If you've been harmed by pornography, there is support and healing.

Catholic in Recovery Podcast

Episode 2 - Getting Started: First Meeting Experience