My House 2.0

Level Up Your Recovery!

'Facing yourself' and 'doing hard things' are probably mottos you are familiar with by this point in your recovery.  And that is no easy feat!  This workshop is a second tier for men who have been to an intensive, a workshop or for men further along in sobriety.  You may have the 'freedom from' pornography and sobriety is going well, however that 'freedom for' more fulfilling relationships (with your wife, girlfriend or others), understanding your emotions and going deeper with your particular triggers is lacking.  We can help you level up!

My House 2.0 was developed and run by Dr Todd Bowman, CSAT.  Todd created and co-founded the My House Workshop for Men which started in 2016.  He helps run other workshops around the nation and brings a Christian integration that rings true regarding healthy masculinity.  Chris Ellman MSW, LCSW, SATP, CSAT and Andrew Forbeck MA, LPC, SATP are co-leaders who work at the Center for Healing and have an expertise in next level recovery dynamics.

The Opposite of Addiction isn't Sobriety, the Opposite of Addiction is Connection.

Are you still struggling with anger, yet you're sober? Are you having a tough time managing boundaries with your family of origin and your wife is upset? Do you sometimes feel like you're 'white knuckling' it, pushing through temptation by willing it?

These are just a few common examples for men who are well along in recovery and sobriety, yet underlying dynamics are still frustrating and blocking a more fulfilling existence. Check out the schedule:

Day 1

  • Recovering Biblical Masculinity
  • The Sexually Addicted Internal Family System
  • Family Sculpting 
  • Re-envisioning Masculinity

Day 2

  • Wounds, Lies, Vows 
  • Experiential Exercises 
  • Group Work
  • Evening Expedition

Day 3

  • Collateral Impact: Examining Attachment Systems
  • Work, Money, Power issues in recovery
  • Advanced Recovery Planning

This advanced workshop is for men who have been on a My House Workshop or a similar intensive. It is also for men who are further along in recovery and sobriety, looking for another tier and growth opportunity. Alcoholics Anonymous coined a term 'white knuckling.' Irritability, struggling with family of origin boundaries, powering through regular triggers and defensiveness in relationships are a few indicators of this dynamic.

The recovery process has many levels to it and is a lifelong process.  Combing out your story with a fresh perspective and a unique approach can bring your relationships, connection with yourself and God to another level.  Don't settle for sobriety only!  Go deeper and iron out those areas in your life still causing you unrest.

The workshop is located in Shawnee, KS at the Center for Healing. The fee includes meals for Thursday lunch and dinner, Friday lunch and dinner and Saturday lunch. If you are flying into KCI, please come Wednesday evening as the workshop starts at 9am on Thursday morning. St Joseph is only about 25 miles from the airport. As for your flight home, since the workshop ends at 3 pm Saturday, please schedule your flight for after 6 pm.

The My House Workshop is no longer located at a retreat center, so you will have to find your own lodging. You are welcome to stay with a friend or family member if coming from out of town. You do not necessarily have to tell them the type or name of the workshop if you are not comfortable or the person will not understand. Letting them know it is a workshop/retreat is enough information. 

Nearby Hotel:

Hampton Inn

Please note that our fee is more affordable than other similar Christian intensives around the country plus we provide meals. We do offer a discount for priests, seminarians and missionaries. Scholarships are possibly available, thus contact Michael Ciaccio with further questions about the fees.

Media devices will be limited during the workshop. We ask that you leave your phone turned off during the sessions. The purpose of this is so you can focus on your healing, your personal circumstances and God.

The dress code is casual. Bring a Bible, a journal, or personal devotional materials if you would like. We’ll provide the Reclaiming Sexual Wholeness workbook, paper and pen.

Register My House 2.0


October 10, 2024 9am
October 12, 2024 3pm


St Joseph Catholic Church
11311 Johnson Dr.
Shawnee, KS 66203

St Joseph Catholic Church