Your Story Matters

In Person and Video Counseling Available

EMDR Therapy

Learn about this effective modality our therapists utilize.

My House Workshop for Men

"Porn Kills Love" - Fight the New Drug

Our Mission

The Center is devoted to restore relationships, heal those suffering from addiction, undo loneliness and find peace and rest in the midst of life. We look to protect, validate and comfort our clients who are distressed or struggle with emotional and/or relational problems. Our philosophy is based on sound Christian principles, research-based therapy, aspects of neurology:
a holistic approach to heal the person. 

Your Story Matters.

We address and heal the three prongs of attachment wounds, sexual brokenness and trauma through
an experiential, spiritual and relational lens.

Check out our recent articles written to encourage and enable you to transform your life

The Think Tank

Felt right at home instantly. So blessed! Everything about the process made me feel welcomed and removed the stress of starting therapy. Abbey was extremely welcoming and set me right at ease. Thank you!


After working with Michael through childhood wounds and the patterns and behaviors that stemmed from them, I am not who I was. I have grown in confidence, self-value, and gentleness with both myself and others... I am so grateful for the freedom and permission to discover the best and most authentic version of myself.


Michael is a blessing in my life. He is an answer to prayer. He is a dedicated, knowledgeable, Catholic psychologist. He gives careful, considerate counseling and has been an enormous blessing to me and my family. I highly recommend Michael.

Catholic Wife & Mother

The Think Tank

Jocko, Jordan and Jim. Human Formation.

October 26, 2023

A few influential leaders are cornering the market on male formation in the United States (and Canada). Their teachings are solid, their approach magnetic and they aren't Catholic. This latter characteristic seems to bother...Read more

The Power of Forgiveness

October 6, 2023

"And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us:" (Matthew 6:12) Every Christian knows that he is supposed to forgive his neighbor, and growing up I always thought of that...Read more

Removing the Mask

How to Overcome Apparent Competence
August 24, 2023

A little over a year ago my husband called while I was at work. He called to let me know his grandma had passed away and that the funeral would be sometime later that...Read more